
28 maj 2024

Beatrice Crona member of Nature Action 100’s first Science Council

Nature Action 100 is a global investor-led engagement initiative focused on supporting greater corporate ambition and action to reverse nature and biodiversity loss to mitigate financial risk and to protect the long-term economic interests of investors’ clients and beneficiaries. It has now convened experts from leading organizations and universities, to serve on its first Science Council. Among them is GEDB executive director Beatrice Crona.

Photo by Christopher Austin on Unsplash

Investors participating in the Nature Action 100 engage companies in key sectors deemed systemically important in reversing nature and biodiversity loss by 2030. It was conceived by a group of institutional investors known as the Launching Investor Group.

The Science Council will provide the Nature Action 100 Technical Advisory Group with expert guidance and support to ensure the quality and rigour of the initiative’s science-based research and technical activities. Members of the Science Council were selected based on their expertise, experience, and dedication to advancing biodiversity conservation efforts.

The Science Council’s first co-chairs are Marco Lambertini, Convener of the Nature Positive Initiative and former Director General of the World Wide Fund for Nature, and Sharon Brooks, Head of Nature Economy at the United Nations Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre.

The other distinguished members of the council are:

Hannah Birgé, Senior Scientist of Food and Water, The Nature Conservancy

Rebekah Church, Global Lead Biodiversity Stewardship, World Wide Fund for Nature

Beatrice Crona, Professor of Sustainability Science, Executive Director of GEDB at Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences and Scientific Director, Stockholm Resilience Center at Stockholm University

Annelisa Grigg, Founder and CEO, Globalbalance Ltd., and Board Member, Partnership for Biodiversity Accounting Financials

Frank Hawkins, Science and Policy Advisor, International Union for Conservation of Nature

Nadine McCormick, Senior Manager, World Business Council for Sustainable Development

Naw Ei Ei Min, Executive Council member, Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact, and member, United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues

Stephen Polasky, Regents Professor and Fesler-Lampert Professor of Ecological/Environmental Economics, University of Minnesota

Varsha Vijay, Technical Director, Science Based Targets Network


Beatrice Crona

Professor, Executive Director

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