Biosphere Finance

We want to bring new, science-based, perspectives

to current discussions about the role of finance for sustainability. We have examined and elucidated the connections between finance and capital markets and tipping elements in the Earth system.


More recently, we have begun to develop tools that can integrate complex knowledge of Earth system interactions and account for regional differences in how Earth System impacts are amplified at planetary scales.

Our aim is to provide improved ways of assessing corporate and financial impacts that are more Earth system savvy.

Read more about our science-based prototype Earth System Impact score for corporates and investors.

Below are short summaries of ongoing and completed research projects

that have contributed to the development of the Earth System Finance work at GEDB. The list is not exhaustive, and more work can be found by looking through our publications.

Theme publications
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Earth System savvy metrics for corporations and investors
Essential Environmental Impact Variables
Sleeping Financial Giants
Financial Dimensions of a key climate system “Wild...

Earth System savvy metrics for corporations and investors

A climate neutral economy is essential to reach Paris 2°C targets. But while reduction of greenhouse gas emissions is essential to stave off dangerous climate change, humanity also needs to develop strategies to avoid transgressing thresholds in other key Earth System processes.

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Earth System savvy metrics for corporations and investors
Essential Environmental Impact Variables
Sleeping Financial Giants
Financial Dimensions of a key climate system “Wild...

Essential Environmental Impact Variables

We develop 15 “Essential Environmental Impact Variables” (EEIVs), starting with seven primary industries, which capture the most essential information on key environmental impacts of those industries at local and global scales. By focusing on what is most essential, we could reduce reporting burden  whilst providing more meaningful information.

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Earth System savvy metrics for corporations and investors
Essential Environmental Impact Variables
Sleeping Financial Giants
Financial Dimensions of a key climate system “Wild...

Sleeping Financial Giants

This research project,  conducted under the initial years of GEDB,  laid the foundations of much of the work on the Earth system and sustainable finance that we conduct today. The project deployed value chain analysis and trade data to identify financial institutions who, based on current ownership patterns, are linked to tipping elements in the Earth system. Therefore, they play a particularly important role for steering away from irreversible large-scale environmental change and escalated global warming. 

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Earth System savvy metrics for corporations and investors
Essential Environmental Impact Variables
Sleeping Financial Giants
Financial Dimensions of a key climate system “Wild...

Financial Dimensions of a key climate system “Wild Card”

Black carbon gives rise to what is often referred to as the Atmospheric Brown Cloud (ABC) over South Asia. It is created by a range of airborne particles and pollutants from combustion, biomass burning and various industrial processes.

The black carbon particles have a significant effect on the climate change, as well as on the health of local population and the biosphere. This research linked the economic activities contributing to black carbon emissions to the finance sector through the innovative use of emission inventories, wheat and...

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Get in touch


Beatrice Crona

Professor, Executive Director

We address the economic dynamics of global change and its implications for a sustainable future

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