The Power of Trees

"Intimate in size yet quietly breathtaking in scope, this graceful gift book will forever change how you think, and how you feel, about trees. In poetically charged scientific observations, renowned conservation biologist Gretchen Daily narrates the evolution, impact, and natural wonder of trees.

Charles Katz’s twenty-six duotone black and white photographs illustrate the development of trees: how trunks were formed, what tree rings tell us about human societies, and how trees define the future of humanity. Pictures of trees threading through the landscape—dotting mountainsides, braiding along the sides of glassine rivers—bear witness to the lyrical force and clarity of Daily’s observations.

Recreating the authors’ hike together through the landscape of the Skagit River in Washington, the balletic movement between Daily’s commentary and Katz’s vision invites readers to enjoy the landscape through a scientific understanding of trees. At once emotional and intellectual, The Power of Trees is the first collection of nature photographs that delights in not only the gorgeous play between light and shadow, but also the fascinating natural mechanisms that create such striking beauty." (From, see here)

Citation: Daily G., C. Katz. 2012. Trinity University Press. San Antonio, Texas, USA.

The Power of Trees

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