Diverse experiences by active travel for carbon neutrality: A longitudinal study of residential context, daily travel and experience types

Two key goals for sustainable spatial planning are to promote low-carbon travel in daily life and to enhance human wellbeing through diverse human-environment interactions. Yet, the integration of these goals has been underexplored. This study investigates the potential for experiential diversity via active travel in different residential contexts within the Gävle city-region, Sweden. Over 15 months, we collected spatiotemporal data from 165 participants, analyzing 4,362 reported experiences and 13,192 GPS-derived travel trajectories. Our analysis uncovered a significant spatial discrepancy: while the travelled distances to locations of positive experiences typically ranged from 1.5 km to 5 km, active travel predominated only within 1.5 km. This discrepancy persisted across urban, suburban, and peripheral contexts. Although residents in different contexts reported the same types of experiences, urban dwellers travelled about 50 % farther for nature experiences compared with other positive experiences, whereas peripheral dwellers travelled twice the distance for urbanicity experiences compared with other positive experiences. Consequently, urban residents mostly relied on active travel for urbanicity experiences and motorised travel for nature experiences, with the reverse trend observed among peripheral dwellers. These results illustrate the importance of spatial scale for promoting diverse positive experiences via active travel, regardless of residential context. Effective planning strategies may include enhancing environmental diversity near homes and developing infrastructure that favours active over motorised travel for short to moderate distances.

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Keywords: Walking, Biking, Experiential diversity, GPS data, Smartphone app, Topodiversity

Citation: Samuelsson, K., S. A. Brandt, S. Barthel, N. Linder, N. J. Lim, D. Hallman, and M. Giusti. 2024. Diverse experiences by active travel for carbon neutrality: A longitudinal study of residential context, daily travel and experience types. Geography and Sustainability 5(3):459-469.

Diverse experiences by active travel for carbon neutrality: A longitudinal study of residential context, daily travel and experience types

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