Urbanisation, migration, and adaptation to climate change

Climate change is reshaping the comparative advantage of regions and hence driving migration flows, principally toward urban areas. Migration has multiple benefits and costs in both origin and destination regions. Coordinated policies that recognize how and why people move can reduce future costs and facilitate adaptation to climate change both within borders and internationally.

Citation: Adger, W.N., A.-S. CrepĂ­n, C. Folke, D. Ospina Medina, F.S. Chapin III, K. Segerson, K. Seto, J.M. Anderies, S. Barrett, E.M. Bennett, G. Daily, T. Elmqvist, J. Fischer, N. Kautsky, S.A. Levin, J.F. Shogren, J. van den Bergh, B. Walker, and A. de Zeeuw. 2020. Urbanisation, migration, and adaptation to climate change. One Earth 3: 396-399.

Urbanisation, migration, and adaptation to climate change

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