Dario Marone joined the GEDB team in October 2024 as part of the Biosphere Finance theme, where he contributes to exploring the relationship between financial systems and Earth system dynamics.
His primary focus is testing the newly developed Earth System Impact (ESI) prototype metric, which considers the climate, water, and land components of the Earth system, as well as their interactions. He is currently applying this metric to economic units in the agricultural sector, using plot-level data from small-scale farmers.
After earning his BSc in Economics from the University of Naples Federico II, Dario completed an MSc in Biobased Sciences at Wageningen University & Research, specializing in the biobased and circular economy. The highly interdisciplinary nature of the program allowed him to explore a wide range of topics, from organic production systems to sustainability analysis methods. Developing an interest in environmental sustainability and financial systems, he wrote his thesis with the Environmental Economics and Natural Resources group on the non-linear relationship between corporate environmental and financial performance.
Before joining GEDB, Dario worked with an asset manager in Rotterdam, where he investigated potential dependencies and impacts on nature and conducted the first quantitative assessment of biodiversity loss from their investments.