Shruti Kashyap

JD, PhD, Postdoctoral researcher

A multi-disciplinary risk and resilience scholar, Shruti Kashyap is a postdoctoral researcher with GEDB and the Sustainable Finance Lab.

As a pragmatic bridge-builder in varied research and practice environments, Shruti routinely combines theoretical, empirical, and methodological perspectives from law, economics, accounting, and governance to foster innovative and holistic insights into real-world issues. One main area of her current research focus at GEDB and SFL relates to the development of more inclusive multi-level risk frameworks in financial sector regulation and practice. Theoretically, she is interested in perspectives that provide alternatives to the traditional paradigm of shareholder primacy as the main driver of corporate identity and value creation.

Shruti´s academic credentials include a Juris Doctor in environmental law from the University of Maryland, Francis King Carey School of Law, a PhD in Business Administration from Uppsala University, and undergraduate degrees in Philosophy (BA) and Financial Economics (BS) from the University of Maryland, Baltimore County. Her PhD dissertation explored the interactions between law, accounting, and governance in the context of risk and resilience within the EU financial sector. 

Shruti has previously worked as a derivatives analyst with Morgan Stanley, an international trade economist and legal expert with the United Nations and the World Trade Organization, and a lecturer and post-doctoral researcher in accounting and organziational studies at the Department of Business Studies, Uppsala University.

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